McMaster Health Forum | Our Partners

Over the years we’ve worked closely with a remarkably diverse array of individuals and organizations who share our interest in collaboratively addressing critical health-system challenges. We have worked in partnership with international agencies (e.g., the World Health Organization), government (e.g., Public Health Agency of Canada), professional organizations (e.g., Ontario Medical Association), and private foundations (e.g., Labarge Optimal Aging Initiative), and with support from funding agencies (e.g., Canadian Institutes of Health Research).

If you’re a health-system leader and want to discuss working with us to make an impact on a pressing health-system issue or to improve health systems more generally, contact us at Through Forum+, we can also support efforts focused on social systems.

Those helping us to support evidence-informed decision-making about health systems include:

  • Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions
  • Alberta SPOR Support Unit
  • Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations
  • British High Commission to Canada
  • Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement
  • Canadian Healthcare Association
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
    • Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
  • Canadian Institute for Health Information
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • Canadian Pain Summit
  • Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
  • Canadian Patient Safety Institute
  • Caribbean Public Health Agency
  • City of Hamilton
  • City of Toronto
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
  • Council of Ontario Universities through Continuing Professional Development - Ontario
  • Dr. Tom Pashby Sports Safety Fund
  • Government of British Columbia
    • British Columbia Cancer Agency
    • British Columbia Ministry of Health
  • Government of Canada
    • Global Health Research Initiative
    • Health Canada
    • International Health Grants Program, Health Canada
    • Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada
    • Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Government of Ontario
    • Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC) Alternative Funding Plan (AFP) Innovation Fund
    • Ministry of Education
    • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • Governments of other provinces and territories
    • Ministry of Health, Manitoba
    • Ministry of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia
    • Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services
  • Hamilton Community Foundation
  • Health Council of Canada
  • Health Quality Ontario
  • Hong Kong Foundation
  • Institute of Health Economics
  • International Development Research Centre
  • Labarge Charitable Foundation
  • McMaster University
    • Alumni Association
    • Associate Vice-President, Academic, Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Bachelor of Health Sciences Program
    • Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
    • Forward with Integrity (through the President’s Fund and Provost Academic Priorities Fund)
    • Labarge Optimal Aging Initiative
    • McMaster Centre for Scholarship in the Public Interest
    • McMaster Students Union
    • McMaster University Nursing Student Society
    • McMaster Science Society
    • McMaster Undergraduate Student Initiative Fund
    • Medicine Students Society
    • Population Health Improvement Research Network (through the Chair in Research on Urban Neighbourhoods, Community Health and Housing)
    • Provost
    • School of Graduate Studies
    • Student Services Program Support
    • Vice-President, Research and International Affairs
  • MedicAlert Foundation Canada
  • Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research
  • Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (through a grant from Norad, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation)
  • Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres
  • Ontario College of Family Physicians
  • Ontario HIV Treatment Network
  • Ontario Medical Association
  • Ontario SPOR Support Unit
  • Pan American Health Organization
  • Public Heath Ontario
  • Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO)
  • Research Manitoba
  • Results for Development
  • Suzanne Labarge
  • Trillium Health Partners
  • Union for International Cancer Control
  • World Health Organization (as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Evidence-Informed Policy)

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