Cheryl Young

Cheryl is passionate about understanding the social determinants of health in both rural and urban communities worldwide. As part of her studies in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program, she spent one semester in rural northern India working with local social workers to promote maternal and reproductive health awareness, gender equality, and access to healthcare for marginalized populations. Cheryl has also worked at St. Michael Hospital’s Centre for Research in Inner City Health, where she pursued epidemiological research projects to better understand the health outcomes of Canada's immigrant populations. In Hamilton, she extends her academic interests to her community work with various at-risk populations. As a Forum Fellow, Cheryl plans to advance her experience and knowledge in using innovative and sustainable initiatives to bring about social change. She is also the co-chair of the Forum’s student subcommittee, and will help lead events to engage students in discourse on pressing health challenges. Cheryl is in her final year of the B.H.Sc. program, specializing in global health. She is completing a thesis on local perceptions of malaria-like symptoms in rural Zambia.

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