Emily Milko
Emily’s particular research interests are in the field of chronic disease prevention and management on a national and global scale. Her interest is partially based on her personal experience with diabetes, and in spring 2011 she founded the support group All Things Diabetes, to facilitate collaboration and discussion between adults with Type 1 diabetes. She has also been a team leader with the McMaster chapter of Leave the Pack Behind, which allowed her to experience the challenges and intricacies of health promotion and disease prevention related to smoking cessation. In her role as a Forum Fellow, Emily helped to synthesize research evidence for a stakeholder dialogue on chronic disease management. Emily is also interested in the intersection of social media and health, and usee her knowledge of community building with social media to expand online engagement between the student subcommittee and the McMaster community and beyond, via the Forum’s student-led blog and Twitter. In her role as co-chair of the student subcommittee, Emily focused on producing tangible outcomes for online dissemination from student-led events. She has completed the Honours Arts and Science program with a minor in biology, and is now attending medical school at McMaster.